The holiday season can bring mixed emotions for many. For some, it’s their favorite time of year. For others, it brings feelings of sadness and loss. Seeing old friends and family members may be exciting or may bring up memories of disappointments. Here are some tips to help you THRIVE through the Holidays.
TIME Manage your time well. Keep a calendar handy so you know what is happening and when to say “no.” It’s fine to say no to some invitations and fine to say no to those asking for favors. Remember, this is your holiday too!
HELP…You don’t have to do it all. Ask for and accept help. Holidays are often a time people attempt to take on too much, do too much on their own. It’s OK to ask for help from family and friends. Whether for decorating, shopping, cooking, or a shoulder to lean on just ask!
Rest It’s hard to have a giving spirit when you’re empty inside. Rest and find refreshment for yourself. What fills you up? What helps your cup to overflow so that you can give to those around you? In order to pour out, we must first be filled up. Receiving means we must quiet ourselves and rest long enough to be fueled up. Make time for worship, reading and prayer. Take a walk, get sleep, stick to your regular diet.
Ignore the image of perfection. Be realistic we must not allow the nagging voices to tell us we don’t measure up.
Your home is not defined by decor but by the love and light that shines forth from it. It’s so easy to compare yourself to everyone around you. Don’t do it. Don’t let perfection be your idol.
Value what is important. Keep Christ the center of the season. Make sure to leave time to spend with friends and/or family who value you.
Enjoy – Live in the moment. Drink in the love of family, friends, and Christ. Thank God for His greatest gift