We Are Looking for A NEW Pastoral Council Members. . . . YOU
Pastoral Council Recruitment
Looking for one New Pastoral Council Member to replace one of Father Aidans '12 Disciples' who has served
three years and will term out in June 2024
What To Do
1. Please view the Pastoral Council Recruitment Guidelines and the Application Form below
(available also on Facebook, Flocknotes, and the Sunday Bulletin)
2. Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm
Informational Zoom Meeting with Q & A: - Join Father Aidan, Margaret, & PC Co-Chairs
INFORMATIONAL ZOOM MEETING > Meeting ID: 879 2683 2680 / Passcode: 1898
3. Friday, May 1, 2024 - Submit completed application (button below)
4. Friday, May 15, 2024 - Interviews of Candidates with Father Aidan, Margaret, & PC Co-Chairs (optional-if needed)
5. Thursday, May 23, 2024 - New Pastoral Council member is Selected
6. Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - New PC member attend 1st in-person Pastoral Council meeting
Questions Contact
Father Aidan > Margaret Roncalli > Linda Whitmore PC Co-Chair >
The PC main purpose is to investigate, reflect and reach conclusions about parish and/or pastoral matters and to advise or recommend to the parish priest or bishop as appropriate. Through African American traditions, we are moved by the Spirit to serve. We Know Who & Whose We Are!
The PC should be a microcosm of the total parish community. Therefore, the membership should be as representative of the parish community as is possible. PC members should be in at last one Parish Ministry and a Christian—preferably Catholic Religion.
From the standpoint of attitude, members of the Council should have the good of the entire parish in mind. PC members are bridge-builders between different points of view.
Qualifications: In addition to being a registered member of the parish, persons called to the important work of furthering the faith, growth and mission of the parish community should give evidence of the following: Willingness to….
• acquaint themselves with the responsibilities of a PC member as outlined in the teachings of the Church.
• work with the pastor and other members of the Council to help accomplish the parish strategic plan.
• work for the whole parish community rather than advocating only one point of view.
• be held accountable for active involvement and leadership in parish life and development.
A Council member makes a commitment to the parish community. It is not a duty lightly accepted but should be regarded as a primary commitment. This commitment involves:
• an active involvement in personal and communal spiritual growth.
• participation in the meetings of the council.
• active membership on at least one Parish ministry
• follow through on action items and preparation for each meeting.
A Council member serves three years, staggered to provide an even rotation year after year. A Council member is eligible for re-election to the Council for a second three-year term; then, however, the person is not eligible for re-election or reappointment to a third term until one year after the completion of the second term.
The council chooses two chairpersons for a two-year term.
a. Pastor/Presider: The pastor presides over the Pastoral Council and participates in all meetings of the Council.
b. Co-Chair people: The co-chairs, who serve under the guidance of the pastor, are key in the effectiveness of the Council organization. The chairperson's duties include:
• organizing and coordinating the activities and processes of the Council.
• co-chairing the meetings of the Council.
• motivating the various members in the Council to fulfill responsibilities.
c. Secretary: For the smooth functioning of the Council, a secretary is appointed. This person takes detailed minutes at all meetings and asks for someone to cover this duty if absence. Minutes are shared with the Co-chairs and Pastor, who then revise and share out to whole council.
d. Time Keeper: Assists Co-chairs and entire council by sharing reminders of the time, giving notice at the when one hour, 30 minutes, and 15 minutes are remaining in the meeting or whatever seems
Nominations from Pastoral Council members, Pastor and individuals are collected. PC Recruitment Guidelines and the Application Form will be available on Church Website, Facebook, Flocknotes, Sunday Bulletin, Church Lobby and Pariah Office.
June Host a group information meeting; July collect applications; August interviews to select new members.
September A Retreat is held where current Pastoral Council meet new members.
Normally, the Parish Pastoral Council meet once each month. The meeting agenda is shared in advance and meetings generally last two hours. There are times that extra meetings are necessary when pressing matters and actions effect the parish.
Pastoral Councils enable the members of the parish to join with their pastor in the policy-development process.
The leadership role of the Council must be understood within the context of the theology of shared responsibility and the collegial nature of the Church, and not within the context of American democracy or other political models. For this reason, the Pastoral Council is consultative to the pastor and its "decisions" are to be considered as recommendations to the pastor.
The nature of the church is both human and divine. Insofar as it is a human organization, there is much that the Church can adapt from the leadership procedures of other organizations. Church organizations must do more, however, than bring reason and information to bear on decisions. Those who help make decisions for the life and growth of the Church must work to discern God’s will in a prayerful atmosphere of faith. Only then will the decisions be life giving.
Discernment and consensus procedures increase the likelihood of arriving at decisions that the Pastoral Council can support even if everyone cannot totally agree with the decision.
The pastor and the Pastoral Council confer on all important policy concerns of the parish community. They work together in a climate of good will and trust. Great care is taken to assure a complete and honest dialogue in which all points of view are considered. Resource persons of competence should be invited for the necessary input and variety of perspectives. All members of the Council seek to arrive at decisions the entire parish community can support. The growth of maturity within a parish is often exemplified by the affirmation of legitimate diversity as a benefit to the parish community.
Decisions of the Council are considered final when ratified by the pastor. Often this ratification will take place within the context of the meeting at which the decision is made. If the pastor desires more time or the council prefers to gather further information for reflection on the decision, ratification may be held until the next regular meeting or be emailed out.